MPI-INF/SWS Research Reports 1991-2021

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Tail estimates for the efficiency of randomized incremental algorithms for line segment intersection

Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sharir, Micha and Welzl, Emo

January 1993, 12 pages.

Status: available - back from printing

We give tail estimates for the efficiency of some randomized incremental algorithms for line segment intersection in the plane. In particular, we show that there is a constant $C$ such that the probability that the running times of algorithms due to Mulmuley and Clarkson and Shor exceed $C$ times their expected time is bounded by $e^{-\Omega (m/(n\ln n))}$ where $n$ is the number of segments, $m$ is the number of intersections, and $m \geq n \ln n \ln^{(3)}n$.

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  AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sharir, Micha and Welzl, Emo},
  TITLE = {Tail estimates for the efficiency of randomized incremental algorithms for line segment intersection},
  TYPE = {Research Report},
  INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
  ADDRESS = {Im Stadtwald, D-66123 Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany},
  NUMBER = {MPI-I-93-103},
  MONTH = {January},
  YEAR = {1993},
  ISSN = {0946-011X},