Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

What and Who

TCS+ talk: Optimization, Complexity and Math (through the lens of one problem and one algorithm)

Avi Wigderson
IAS, Princeton
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5, RG1, SWS, MMCI  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Wednesday, 31 January 2018
60 Minutes
E1 4
D1 Rotunda


In this lecture, we introduce and motivate the main characters in this plot:

- Singularity of symbolic matrices: a basic problem in both computational complexity.
- Alternating Minimization: a basic heuristic in non-convex optimization.

I will explain how variants of this algorithm are applied to variants of this problem, how they are analyzed, and how the analysis gives rise to problems in and connections between a surprisingly diverse set of mathematical areas, including quantum information theory, non-commutative algebra and invariant theory, and analysis. Time permitting, we will discuss challenges this work raises in invariant theory and non-convex optimization.

NOTE: This is a remote talk and we will participate via Google Hangouts where we will also be able to ask questions.


André Nusser
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André Nusser, 01/25/2018 12:57 -- Created document.