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Popularity, Mixed Matchings, and Self-duality

Kavitha Telikepalli
School of Technology & Computer Science Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
AG1 Mittagsseminar (own work)
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5, RG1, SWS, MMCI  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Thursday, 11 May 2017
60 Minutes
E1 5 -MPI for Softwaresystems
R 029


Abstract: We consider a generalization of stability called "popularity" and the problem is to find a min-cost popular matching in a stable marriage instance G, when there is a cost function on the edge set. While a max-size (or min-size) popular matching can be computed in linear time, there is no polynomial time algorithm currently known to find a min-cost popular matching in G.

However a min-cost popular "mixed matching" in G, i.e. a probability distribution over matchings, can be computed in polynomial time. We show that this mixed matching has a simple structure: it is of the form {(M, 0.5), (M',0.5)} where M and M' are matchings in G. This structure is due to the self-duality of the linear program that gives rise to the polytope of popular fractional matchings in G.

(Joint work with Chien-Chung Huang)


Moti Medina
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Moti Medina, 05/10/2017 13:47
Moti Medina, 04/26/2017 11:04
Moti Medina, 04/21/2017 10:28
Moti Medina, 02/22/2017 13:37 -- Created document.