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Succinct Sampling from Discrete Distributions

Karl Bringmann
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik - D1
AG1 Mittagsseminar (own work)
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5, RG1, SWS, MMCI  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Thursday, 23 May 2013
30 Minutes
E1 4


We revisit the classic problem of sampling from a discrete

distribution: Given n non-negative w-bit integers x_1,...,x_n,
the task is to build a data structure that allows sampling i with probability
proportional to x_i. The classic solution is Walker's alias method
that takes, when implemented on a Word RAM, O(n) preprocessing
time, O(1) expected query time for one sample, and n(w+2 lg
n+o(1)) bits of space. Using the terminology of succinct data
structures, this solution has redundancy 2n lg n+o(n) bits, i.e., it
uses 2n lg n+o(n) bits in addition to the information theoretic
minimum required for storing the input. We study
whether this space usage can be improved.

In the systematic case, in which the input is read-only, we present a
novel data structure using r+O(w) redundant bits, O(n/r)
expected query time and O(n) preprocessing time for any r.
This is an improvement in redundancy by a factor of Omega(log n) over the
alias method for r = n, even though the alias method is not
systematic. Moreover, we complement our data structure with a lower
bound showing that this trade-off is tight for systematic data

In the non-systematic case, in which the input numbers may be represented
in more clever ways than just storing them one-by-one, we demonstrate
a very surprising separation from the systematic case: With only 1
redundant bit, it is possible to support optimal O(1) expected
query time and O(n) preprocessing time!

On the one hand, our results improve upon the space requirement of the
classic solution for a fundamental sampling problem, on the other
hand, they provide the strongest known separation between the
systematic and non-systematic case for any data structure
problem. Finally, we also believe our upper bounds are practically
efficient and simpler than Walker's alias method.


Karl Bringmann
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Karl Bringmann, 05/02/2013 11:51 -- Created document.