Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

New for: D1, D2

What and Who

Challenges and Innovations in Industrial Constraint

Dr. Ulrich Junker
AG 1, AG 2  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Friday, 28 November 97
-- Not specified --
43.1 - DFKI
Turing (+1.01)


Recent years have shown a rapid progress in optimization methods
such as column generation, simulated annealing, genetic algorithms,
iterated improvement techniques, and constraint programming. However,
solving real-world problems successfully does not only require
powerful optimizers, but also powerful modelling capabilities.
Constraint programming (CP) provides a general framework that allows
to increase modelling and problem solving capabilities depending on
the needs of a problem. (Global) constraints for complex mathematical
structures (e.g. paths, trees) can easily be integrated into the
basic propagation mechanism. The chronological search procedure
can treat arbitrary search programs. The declarativity of constraint
programs, furthermore, facilities the decomposition of the complete
problem into subproblems. Different subproblems can then be solved
by different optimization method. This method of combining CP with
the other techniques mentioned above has been crucial for solving
large problems in the areas of production scheduling, air

traffic control, crew scheduling, configuration, and so on. On
the one hand,
we profit from the modelling capacities of CP and its flexibility
in programming search. On the other hand, we solve subproblems by
state-of-the-art algorithms and we control the size of subproblems
solved by CP.


Christian Schulte
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Uwe Brahm, 04/12/2007 12:01 -- Created document.