Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

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What and Who

Displaced Subjects: Equality and inequality in LFG

Annie Zaenen
Xerox PARC
Talk - Computerlinguistik
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4  
Expert Audience

Date, Time and Location

Monday, 8 October 2001
-- Not specified --
17.3 - Computerlinguistik


Annie Zaenen from Xerox PARC will spend some days in Saarbrücken.
She has kindly agreed to give a talk about her present work in
LFG syntax. If you would like to meet with her individually,
please get in contact with me at #email address not disclosed#. She will be here
from Monday to Wednesday.

Displaced Subjects: Equality and Inequality in LFG

Annie Zaenen

Xerox PARC

Monday, October 8, 14:15
CoLi Seminar Room, Building 17

A often made observation in traditional transformational
grammar is that 'more goes on upstairs than downstairs',
i.e. In constraint-based grammars this intuition has up
to now not been modeled except through specific phrase
structure rules. We propose a modelisation in LFG and
discuss it with French subject positions as an example.
We also show that in German grammar the device allows a
description of partial VP fronting.


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Uwe Brahm, 04/12/2007 12:53
Uwe Brahm, 04/12/2007 12:53 -- Created document.