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A Near Optimal Mechanism for Energy Aware Scheduling

Andrés Cristi
Universidad de Chile
AG1 Mittagsseminar (own work)
AG 1  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Thursday, 4 October 2018
30 Minutes
E1 4


Consider a cloud server, where clients can submit jobs for processing. The quality of service that each agent receives is given by a private non-decreasing function of the completion time of her job. The server has to process the jobs and charge each agent while trying to optimize the social cost that is defined as the energy expenditure plus the sum of the values of the internal cost functions. The server operator would like to design a mechanism in order to optimize this objective, which ideally is computationally tractable, charges the users “fairly” and the induced game has an equilibrium. We present a mechanism that combines the aforementioned properties with a constant Price of Anarchy. An interesting feature of our mechanism is that it is indirect: each user needs only to declare an upper bound on the completion time of her job, and not the cost function.

This is joint work with Antonios Antoniadis.


Antonios Antoniadis
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Antonios Antoniadis, 10/04/2018 10:30
Uwe Brahm, 09/12/2018 17:53
Antonios Antoniadis, 07/24/2018 13:34 -- Created document.