Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

What and Who

The Physarum plasmodium as a model system for bioinformatics: Behavioral intelligence

Tetsuo Ueda
Hokkaido University
AG1 Mittagsseminar (basic education)

Testuo Ueda is one of the Physarum pioneers.
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5, RG1, SWS, MMCI  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Friday, 24 May 2013
45 Minutes
E1 4


The Physarum plasmodium is a giant amoeboid cell, having no definite cell shape and size. This primitive organism is able to sense such environmental factors as chemicals, light, electric field, gravity, temperature, etc., to integrate these information, and to give rise a particular shapepossibly best suitedfor that environment. It is becoming clear that a primitive form of behavioral intelligence is hidden in these dynamic changes.

I will show lines of experimental evidence which shed light on the following questions.
(1) How does the chemical system bring about intelligence?
(2) How does the organism perceive a conflicting stimulus?
(3) How are the networks of veins characterized ?
In performing the above research, the interplay among different disciplines of science is necessary and fruitful.

Physarum plasmodium, Behavioral intelligence, Rivalry in perception, Biocomputing, Self-organization, Complex system, Cell motility, Network of transportation system, Network analysis,


Kurt Mehlhorn
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Kurt Mehlhorn, 05/23/2013 09:14
Kurt Mehlhorn, 05/22/2013 15:41
Kurt Mehlhorn, 05/22/2013 15:41 -- Created document.