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Title: A new method of finding similarity regions in DNA sequences
Noé, Laurent; Kucherov, Gregory,
LORIA/INRIA-Lorraine 615, rue du Jardin Botanique 54602 Villier-lès-Nancy

Identifying similarity regions inside a DNA sequence (repeats), or between two sequences (local alignment), is a fundamental problem in bioinformatics. For this task, many algorithms use a technique based on searching for small exact repetitions of fixed size (seeds) and trying to extend those into larger approximate repeats. BLAST family [1] is the most prominent representative of this approach. ASSIRC [5] is another example. A slightly different but related method is implemented in FASTA [3]. REPuter [7] and MUMmer [4] use a different approach, based on suffix trees.

We propose a new method which tries to group together multiple seeds, in order to form rapidely large similarity regions instead of extending individual seeds. In a very restricted form, this idea has been used in late versions of Blast [2].
Here we push it much further, and come up with a more sensitive approach, allowing for smaller seed sizes without considerable drop in time efficiency. For example, if we consider approximate repeats of size at least 100 with 75% of similarity between copies, one finds more frequently 3 (or more) distinct seeds of size at least 7 than one (or more) seed of size at least 11 (which is the default parameter of BLASTN). Grouping multiple seeds also reduces the number of infertile extensions, thus saving time for computing unnecessary alignement scores.

Parameters used to group seeds are estimated according to probability distributions, assuming a Bernoulli model of DNA sequence. Three probability criteria have been used:
- the seed size and the minimal seed number which triggers grouping, are computed from the minimum repeat size and the minimal similarity rate between copies, according to the distribution of the longest run of one value in a Bernoulli sequence,
- the maximal distance r between seeds inside one repeat copy is computed according to waiting time distribution,
- indels are accounted for by computing a statistical bound d of random walk distribution, which simulates the variation of distance between corresponding seeds inside a repeat copy.

Similar criteria have been used in [6] for computing tandem repeats. The three criteria are used to chain seeds which potentially belong to the same approximate repeat. Chains found are then validated by computing a classical alignement score.

The chaining algorithm is linear on the number of seed pairs found. Running time of test runs is given below.

Results and Discussion
Tests have been carried out on chromosomes V and IX of S.Cerevisiae (respectively 576869 and 439885 bps) on a Pentium III 1Ghz.
k | r | d | # of alignments | # of reps found | time
9 | 85 | 10 | 212 | 60 | 3 s
8 | 64 | 9 | 701 | 64 | 8 s
7 | 47 | 7 | 748 | 68 | 27 s
6 | 35 | 6 | 2388 | 72 | 100 s
5 | 25 | 5 | 7863 | 72 | 425 s

Compared to BLAST, our algorithm runs in a comparable time, but appeared to be more sensitive in finding repetitions with good similarity level (more than 70%) between copies. For example, the following repeats have been missed by BLAST but found by our program:
V.fas | IX.fas | size | BLAST score
270757-271078 | 257864-258185 | 321 | 836
273624-273841 | 259542-259759 | 217 | 498
435232-435429 | 336678-336868 | 197/190 | 461
449152-449284 | 336729-336862 | 132/133 | 338

On the other hand, our algorithm is much faster than ASSIRC [5] for a similar input. Comparisons with REPuter [7] have shown that it tends to keep apart fragments that form a longer repetition. In contrast, our program assembles fragments in a flexible way, allowing for indels of size smaller than d.
    [1] Altschul, Stephen and Gish, Warren and Miller, Webb and Myers, Eugene and Lipman, David, Basic Local Alignment Search Tool, Journal of Molecular Biology, 1990, 215, 403--410
    [2] Altschul, Stephen and Madden, Thomas and Schaffer, Alejandro and Zhang, Jinghui and Zhang, Zheng and Miller, Webb and Lipman, David, Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs, Nucleic Acids Research, 1997, 25, 17, 3389--3402
    [3]Pearson, William and Lipman, David, Improved tools for biological sequence comparison, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1988, 85, 2444--2448
    [4]Delcher, Arthur and Kasif, Simon and Fleischmann, Robert and Peterson, Jeremy and White, Owen and Salzberg Steven, Alignement of whole genomes, Nucleic Acids Reseach, 1999, 27, 11, 2369--2376
    [5] Vincens, Pierre and Buffat, Laurent and Andree, Cecile and Chevrolat, Jean-Paul and Boisvieux, Jean-François and Hazout, Serge, A strategy for finding regions of milarity in complete genome sequences, Bioinformatics, 1998, 14, 8, 715--725
    [6] Benson, Gary, Tandem repeats finder: a program to analyse DNA sequences, Nucleic Acids Research, 1999, 27, 2, 573--580
    [7] Kurtz, Stefan and Schleiermacher, Chris, REPuter: fast computation of maximal repeats in complete genome, Bioinformatics, 1999, 15, 5, 426--427